Sun Printing for Beginner and Intermediate Artists
Host: Betsy Pare'
Learn the historical aspects of this pre-photograhic art printing process. We will start with getting aquatinted with the tools and materials used and continue on to preparation of the specific design concepts that work best with Cyanotype art. You’ll make traditional (dry) sun prints focusing on the fundamentals of proper sun development, washing and drying. Additionally, we will move on to the wildly popular, some say more expressive elements of (wet) Cyanotypes. This method changes the original characteristics of dry Cyanotypes by using different ingredients. This type of Cyanotype print is a more loose, fluid and seemingly magical and unpredictable piece of ART! We will finish up with the proper care of your new masterpiece ensuring it will be protected for years to come.
What to bring: Please wear old clothes and an apron is suggested. (We will take a 45 minute lunch break so you may want to bring a snack or bagged lunch). It is not necessary as plenty of supplies will be available, but feel free to bring items such as flowers, weeds, sticks and any little gems you might have collected over the time that you would like to include in your Cyanotypes. Items may be fresh or dried it does not matter, each will develop differently.
Supplies Provided by Host
Cost (including supply fees): $60.00
About Betsy
Betsy is both a teacher and a lifelong student of various mediums in art and enjoys the diversity. Born in New England and raised in Maine, she is inspired by Mother Nature, always. Betsy has taught arts & crafts workshops since the late 90's. Additionally, for over 10 years she owned two retail stores. These store offered Betsy’s hand crafted lampshades, an array of her upscale arts and crafts items, and works of other local artisans. Betsy’s workshops are all hands-on and both entertaining and informative. Other sessions Betsy hosts include: Paper Clay - Paper Book Arts - Journaling - Stenciling - Mold Making - Stamping - Mixed Media Arts - Card Making - Gelli Printing and Collage.